İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 9
Electronic notification shall begin to be implemented as of 1 January 2016.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 8
'FATCA Agreement' signed with the United States.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 7
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers pertaining to the incentive capital increase in cash.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 6
The scope of taxpayers to be required e-book keeping and e-invoice application has been extended.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 5
Amendments Have Been Made to The Council of Ministers Decision No. 32 Pertaining to Protection of The Value of Turkish Currency.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 4
New Application of Resource Utilization Support Fund Rate.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 3
A Deemed Interest Deduction to Encourage Cash Equity Financing has been published in the Official Gazette.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 2
The provisions of 'Law Proposal on Amendment to Certain Laws and Decree Laws' (Draft) on corporate tax.
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri
2015 / 1
The Companies which will be subject to independent audit pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code (No.6102) have been re-determined.